

Lined Head Shot

  • Includes basic Background

  • Flat Colored - $20

  • Shaded - $35

  • Examples below ⮟⮟⮟

Lined Bust Shot

  • Includes basic Background

  • Flat Colored - $30

  • Shaded - $40

  • Examples below ⮟⮟⮟

Lined Full Body

  • Includes basic Background

  • Flat Colored - $45

  • Shaded - $55

  • Examples below ⮟⮟⮟


  • Painted bust shot

  • Includes basic Background

  • $50-75 depending on complexity

  • Examples below ⮟⮟⮟

Lined Scene

  • Painted background

  • Lined Characters

  • Price Includes complex background and one character

  • $100-125 depending on complexity

  • Examples below ⮟⮟⮟

Painted Scene

  • Painted background + Characters

  • Price Includes complex background and one character

  • $150-180 depending on complexity

  • Examples below ⮟⮟⮟


  • Additional Character - half of original price

  • Add complex background - $15-30

  • Reference sheet - starting price is $80, includes front, back, paws/mouth/blood color, 3 accessories, and all the information you want (name, age, etc) Additional features can be discussed in DMs!


Texture Work

  • Basic Textures(Has Ref sheet)- $30

  • Complex textures(Has Ref sheet)- $50

  • Design + Texture(idea for design but no ref sheet, price based on complexity) - Starts at $75.

  • Examples at bottom

Blender Work

  • Minor Base edit(edits to body type, etc) start at $45 and increase with complexity

  • Non-rigged custom assets(don't have bones, stationary accessories like horns, collars, and such) - start at $25

  • Rigged Custom assets(have bones, accessories like tails, hair, and such) - start at $80

  • Clothing refitting(fitting other assets to your model) - starts at $35

  • Avatar optimization - Starts at $45

  • HQ Blender Renders - Start at $30

  • Short Blender animation - Starts at $150

Unity Work

  • Toggles - $15 per each you want made

  • Idle Animations - $25-45

  • Quest compatibility - $30

  • Add gestures - $25
